Hello! We are getting ready to start a journey and would love to have you with us along the way.
On September 19th we start our first journey - a week-long road trip to Silver City, New Mexico. Susan will be judging the Grant County Art Guild's Annual Purchase Prize Exhibition (Whew!) and she will be teaching 3 day portrait painting workshop and I know that I will enjoy photographing the beautiful surroundings. We live in San Antonio, so our journey will include the drive to Silver City and back.
Only two days after coming back to San Antonio, on September 27th, we will be on our way to Istanbul, Turkey for two weeks! Yes, it's far away, actually it's exactly 6512.8 miles/10481.3 kilometers away! We checked online. I grew up in Istanbul and it's about time to go back and visit loved ones and that amazing city that I am in love with. This is going to be Susan's first time, but I know that it's not going to be her last.
We want to take you with us to these great places. If you would like to share this journey and our future journeys, please follow us here.
We know (actually...we are sure!) that we are going to meet wonderful people, will share special moments with them and exchange a small portion of our lives via little windows we open to each other.
Along the way, we will try to record our impressions of these great places and a few of the people with our photographs and paintings and a paragraph or two. Instead of seeing an unexplained image, you will know why that person and/or place meant something to us.
We are open to your ideas. Before each trip, we will let you know where we are heading. If you were there before us (or "always wanted to, but never got a chance to go there"), let us know your favorite spots and what you recommend us to see or do. We will do our best to fit your request into our schedule during our trip and who knows, we might be able to give you a report.
Come and share this journey we are making through life...