Tuesday, November 8, 2011

 Bedriye, Halide, Hande, Sacide, Nilgun, Neslihan, Aslihan, Nadide

This series started as a quick sketch of Aslihan, Ugur's beautiful 12 year old niece, second from the right on the bottom. Within a day or two it became a series of all the women in the family... except Ugur.  Guess I'll need to rectify that soon, right?

I love to sketch. These days, sketching has become simply a cursory prelude to a painting, though.  I need to remember how delicious it is to simply sketch.

1 comment:

  1. Susan and Ugur - I have enjoyed and am enjoying your travel blog so much. Sorry comments have been slow coming - but every post and amazing photo merits a number of L-O-N-G looks! I don't expect to ever visit Turkey so "seeing" this beautiful country with you two has been so very special! Ugur, how kind of you to introduce us to your beautiful family!

    Susan, these sketches are wonderful and certainly there are some portrait possibilities here! Thanks for the reminder that sketching is "fun"! Will be looking forward to seeing one of Ugur soon!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
